Media Skills Training, Spokesperson training, Crisis management —  8 August by Adam Fisher

The police boss and the mic drop moment

Imagine you are in crisis media management mode. As the head of your organisation leaves your offices, they are greeted by reporters firing questions. How would they respond? Could they calmly cope…


Crisis management, Spokesperson training, Media Skills Training —  9 April by Media First

The interview that shows you can’t ride away from scrutiny

Spokesperson training, Media Skills Training, Crisis management —  5 March by Adam Fisher

Was this Standard Chartered’s Ratner moment?

Crisis management, Spokesperson training, Writing skills —  22 February by Adam Fisher

Lessons from a $2 billion typo

Crisis management, Spokesperson training —  1 September 2022 by Adam Fisher

Resilience tips spokespeople and comms professionals can use now

Crisis management, Spokesperson training, General media skills —  27 January 2022 by Adam Fisher

Why your internal business policies are becoming a reputational threat (and what you can do about it)

The NHS, United Airlines, Carhartt, Next, Ocado, Morrisons – these are just some of the big-name brands that have found themselves walking a reputational tightrope as companies are increasingly drawn…


Crisis management, Spokesperson training —  20 January 2022 by Adam Fisher

Sorry-not-sorry: Why non-apologies prolong the pain (and how to apologise effectively)

Apologies. We’ve all seen plenty of them lately. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said sorry for attending a party during lockdown. Novak Djokovic, the world’s number one tennis player, apologised…


Presentation skills, Spokesperson training, Crisis management —  31 August 2021 by Adam Fisher

When should you use an autocue?

Media Skills Training, Spokesperson training, Crisis management —  4 February 2021 by Adam Fisher

Why you need to stop beginning your media interviews with pleasantries