General media skills, Presentation skills —  5 November 2024 by Adam Fisher

How to have better remote presentations and meetings

We’ve all been doing it for a while now, haven’t we? Yet, many of us still find group remote meetings and presentations an immense challenge and a barrier to effective communication. But these…


Media Skills Training, Presentation skills, General media skills —  15 November 2022 by Adam Fisher

How can you better handle difficult conversations?

Presentation skills, General media skills —  8 September 2022 by Adam Fisher

7 ways you can improve your body language now

Presentation skills, Spokesperson training, General media skills —  7 October 2021 by Adam Fisher

‘How do you…?’ Your questions answered about building better relationships with spokespeople

Presentation skills, General media skills —  14 January 2021 by Adam Fisher

8 tips for beating Zoom fatigue

General media skills, Media Skills Training, Presentation skills —  29 May 2020 by James White

10 top tips for better online meetings

How are you managing with the move to online meetings? Are you finding that they are less focused? Are attendees taking it as an invitation to multi-task? Are you finding that a couple of…


Media Skills Training, Presentation skills, General media skills —  19 May 2020 by James White

How our online training can help you give your best performance from your laptop

For many businesses, the initial few weeks of lockdown were spent ensuring they could ‘continue as normal’ and figuring out what that new ‘normal’ is. Eight weeks in and many industries and…


General media skills, Presentation skills —  14 May 2020 by James White

Just because you Zoom, doesn’t mean you should

General media skills, Presentation skills —  6 April 2020 by James White

Your questions answered about online communication