
How a misplaced comment cost a business £500M

We recently caught up with Gerald Ratner and got the inside story on his infamous remarks at the IOD Annual Convention in 1991 and the damage that those comments caused.

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The nightmare doorstep interview

Preparation is the key to a successful interview. But sometimes, particularly in a crisis situation, there in no time to prepare as the media are on your doorstep. How do you manage this challenging situation?…

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The importance of pitch, pace and tone

Delivering your key message in a dull, flat, monotone way will ensure it falls on deaf ears. You need to inject passion, enthusiasm and energy in your voice to engage the audience during the interview. In thi…

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What to wear on TV

Your organisation is in the news and the communications team has put you forward as the spokesperson for a television interview. You have had your media training, are well briefed and feeling confident that yo…

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How should you communicate when a crisis strikes your organisation?

How should you communicate when a crisis strikes your organisation? In this short video, journalist and trainer Victoria Smith outlines what needs to be included in your crisis communication and…

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How to handle a crisis in the media

Would you know how to react when the worst happens? Crises can strike all organisations, no matter how big or small. Preparation is key. In this short video, journalist and trainer Judy Aslett reveals how you c…

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The importance of brand image

What’s your brand image? Do you have a good reputation among your customers and the media? In this short video, journalist and trainer Victoria Smith outlines why brand image is crucial and how a good reputatio…

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How to handle a doorstep interview

Could you cope with journalists gathering outside your front door? Doorstep interviews are particularly daunting and have tripped up many spokespeople. In this short video, journalist and trainer Elisa Colton s…

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Writing skills — 25 July by Adam Fisher

The 50 words that show the benefit of great business writing

Crisis management — 23 July by Adam Fisher

Broken windows: How would you respond if you caused global IT outage?

Crisis management — 17 July by Media First

Wake up to woke: Should you be worried about the 'war on woke'?

Society can often appear to be more divided and polarised than ever. And it can feel like plenty of negativity surrounds ‘wokeness’. So, should brands stop raising awareness of injustices and avoid…